Chapter 400 Ziana Seems to Be Dying

As time passed by, Ziana fell into a long memory.

Lee observed her reaction without blinking his eyes.

When he noticed something was wrong with her, an ominous premonition crept into his heart.

"Ziana?!" Lee frowned and said worriedly.

Ziana was on the bed. Her eyes closed, but her eyeballs were moving extremely violently. It was conceivable that her inner activities were very intense at this moment.

Lee was experienced and didn't want any accidents. He decided to wake her up immediately.

The risk of forcibly awakening was huge.

If the hypnotized content exceeded her ability to bear it, it would cause irreversible damage to her brain.

Ziana was a rare talent. Lee didn't want to ruin her brain.

"Ziana?!" Lee called her again.

Ziana's cheek twitched slightly. After a short while, she had a nosebleed!


Lee was scared!
