Chapter 407 Obediently Die

The night grew increasingly dark as the lush greenery of the small forest surrounded the Arte villa.

The landscaping of this villa complex had been impeccably done.

Darlene leaned against the bedroom window, holding a glass of red wine in her left hand and gripping her phone with her right hand.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated.

She quickly answered the call, suppressing her excitement and nervousness, and asked in a low voice, "How did it go? Did it work out?"

On the other end, Sean chuckled. "You can rejoice."

"We caught Ziana?" Darlene exclaimed with excitement, then remembering the close call with Boris, she gritted her teeth and said, "If you hadn't coincidentally seen him with Ziana, we might have been fooled by him. Boris is not ordinary. His thoughts are terrifying. This time, you must be extremely careful and cautious. No room for any mishaps!"

"What are you afraid of?"