Chapter 429 Ending the Farce

Early the next morning, Nell went to the police station.

After coming out from there, he drove to the office building of Lewis Company.

Sean was controlling the company, and he had been the first one to get fired.

As he gazed up at the towering building, his lips curled into a cold sneer.

Whether it was Sean or Erkan, whether it was five years ago or now, the defeated opponents would always remain defeated.

At that moment, Sean was sitting in a state of desperation in the CEO's office on the top floor.

He had been in constant irritation these days.

He had thought that those senior executives were easy to handle since they had treated him with respect.

But it turned out that each of these people was a smartass capable of playing dirty tricks.

They obeyed him on the surface but tripped him up behind the scenes.

Their excuses were so sound that he couldn't find fault with them, leaving himself to sulk.