Chapter 436 My Wife Doesn't Want Me

Ziana got into the car and closed her eyes, not saying a word. Donald could feel the appalling aura on her.

Donald remembered that Ziana hadn't seemed so angry in a long time.

He quietly looked in the rearview mirror a few times frequently. Even if he was careful, he was still detected.

"I have gold on my face?" Her red lips moved lightly, and her tone was sharp.

"You look furious." Donald thought, but said, "Miss Scott, you are very pretty..."

"Drive your car." Ziana interrupted him in a bad mood.

Donald had to stop talking. He couldn't even coax her to calm down, so she seemed to be really angry.

Donald drove all the way to the villa without a word.

When Ziana pushed the door in, the family was eating breakfast, and Marlyn's voice was the most prominent.

"It's fake! How can that be Mr. Lewis? I don't believe it!"