Chapter 454 Clean Yourself Up

Jackson brought a video recorded from the surveillance system.

The video clearly showed that Winifred was fainted, and her maid carried her out of the room.

"Where's the maid?!" Horton's sharp eyes looked coldly; "Bring her here and question her!"

"She's just outside." Jackson clapped his hands after speaking.

Two bodyguards brought the maid in, and fiercely pushed her on the ground.

The maid fell down and moaned.

"It's you!" Duke Bourne was shocked and asked in disbelief, "How could it be you?!"

This maid was from his family and often served Winifred.

"How could you do such a thing! Why?" Duke Bourne was emotional, and he kicked her; "Tell me! Why did you do this? Why did you ruin my daughter's reputation!"

The maid raised her head and looked at him fiercely. Suddenly she burst into laughter.

The more she laughed, the angrier Duke Bourne became. He yelled at her heart-piercingly, "Why?!"