The cliff is around 32 feet high, so the fall will probably make you you brake a bone or two if you don't land perfectly. I let out a yelp as I watch her body disappear into the water. She brakes the surface and the water brings her body down into it. I shift without thinking and my feet leave the cliff faster than I have time to think about it.
My hands colide with the water as I dive into it's darkness. My lungs fill with air when I reach the surface. My eyes scan the the cliffs around me but nothing, she's not here.
"Amelia!" I scream out as I duck under the water, trying to see her but it's imposible when it's dark outisde and the sun won't light the water up. My heart is up in my throat and I begin to panick.
What if she hit her head?
Maybe she lies down on the bottom trying to get up?