Chapter 592 Julia Is Unreconciled

Julia had never lost so thoroughly in her life.

Those looks of envy that should have fallen on her now fell on Melissa. This made Julia clench her hands that were hanging by her side tightly.

Julia was unreconciled.

However, no one paid any attention to what Julia was thinking. Everyone at the banquet focused on Melissa and Marc.

"Mr. Marc, do you like this gift?"

Melissa smiled at Marc. Although Melissa already knew that Marc was very satisfied through his reaction, she wanted to hear Marc say it.

"I'm a little dissatisfied."

However, Melissa had never expected that Marc would say this when he saw Melissa, who was seeking a compliment.

The smile on Melissa's face froze, and she looked at Marc innocently and pitifully, "Marc, I've prepared this gift for so long. Is there anything that you are not satisfied with?"

"There are no problems with the gift you prepared. I am not satisfied with Keyon."