Chapter 838 Love at first sight

Originally, Melissa was a top hacker, even better than Anthony. She deliberately broke into the competition system. Melissa found the information that she was looking for and noted that the competition was rigged.

So she posted the evidenceon the hacker’s official website.

The people here were all master hackers, and Melissa had a relatively high rank, which meant she was naturally admired by everyone.

The video caused an uproar after it was posted.

"Isn’t this blatantly looking down on us? Is it possible that those of us behind the scenes are so dumb to allow a newcomer to challenge us?"

"Anthony is already famous in this circle, and Melissa even more so."

Mlissa responded below, "The other party is a rookie. How can a rookie be a master hacker? I can see maybe 15th place, but a master hacker, no. In the end, it was announced that our technology was tampered with."

Melissa’s words resonated with others.