Chapter 859 Hidden Identity

"Very good, good performance this time," Murray said, walking towards her. He signalled to the principal and everyone cleared the room.

"You haven’t answered me. Can you forgive me?" Murray persuaded.

"When you settle your family’s affairs, I will think about forgiving you." Melissa was only slightly annoyed with him. Her main cause for resenting him was his family. There was a Mr. Marc and there was his mother; both of them were not so easy to deal with. "Would it kill you to send them away? What’s more, my child will be born in a few months. I don’t want my child to live in such an environment.

"I have flown my mother Mr Marc out of the country. The two of them shouldn’t have any trouble abroad. And I have already decided that in the future, apart from living expenses and my basic expenses, I will give them the rest. Although Mr. Marc usually seems to be extravagant and powerful, the money he makes is not enough."