Chapter 941 a car accident

  Due to the enormous amount of work that day,Melissa hardly got time to move her eyes from the files,so she didn't give a single glance to her cellphone.

  At the same time,Murray was also busy with his meetings one after another.Both of them were working extremely hard which resulted in exertion.

  "Mr.Gibson."A loud voice came from behind.Murray turned around and saw his secretary standing there

  with a worried face.

  As much as he wanted to know the reason behind the sudden interruption,he didn't ask.One of the things that irritates him the most was being interrupted.

  And right now he was standing in the meeting where his secretary had grabbed the attention of every colleague by barging into the room.

  "Can we talk about it after the meeting?"Murray tried to maintain his calm.

  "It can't wait.Moreover,it requires your urgent atte-attention."He stuttered.