Chapter 971 Stop Him.

  In present time,Lily still depended on Tom to fund her bills,She shared a rented apartment with him as well.

  Upon meeting Tom,Lily hasn't picked up any job,but Tom has been employed within a month.

  He worked energetically and relentlessly each day till midnight.

  After the hectic day at work,Tom boarded a bus home,he leaned against the glass tiredly,as he took a nap.

  His exhaustion from work made him oblivious to certain important things,his phone inclusive.

  An hour later,Tom arrived at his rented apartment,the moment he stepped in,he spotted Lily heading towards him with a smile.

  "Why's your hair so messy,huh?,ain't you worried that your colleagues will make jest of you?"She teased,while taking off his coat as a virtuous wife would.

  However,Tom wasn't in the right frame of mind to chit chat with her.He replied wearily,"it doesn't matter,all that matter is that I'm being paid when due"