Chapter 1127 Helping Murray

"Yeah!" Murray sighed. "The ball is in my court and this is how I'm going to play it. You are to leave us with this. You are getting old. Do not worry about me or my business" he told his father.

"I am not worried about you or your business. This is more about Melissa" Murray's father argued.

"Melissa is sued because of this business. Let me handle it by myself and if I need your help in future. I will let you know" he conveyed.

"Do you really think, I can't help you to win the case?" Murray's father asked. He seemed confused the way Murray was rejecting his help.

"Court cases are trivia. It could be won by anybody. The judge will act on evidences presented before him. These evidences can not be procured by someone that doesn't understand much about our business" Murray took his time to explain again.

"But remember I have won a lot cases like this many times and for the records I have never recorded a loss" Murray's father boasted.