Shirley couldn't believe what she saw and shouted, "That's impossible. I never taught you the binary key cryptosystem. How did you do it? And did you add the anti-tracking code? Don't expose our address. Otherwise."
Bennett interrupted Shirley, "I studied by myself. It's 90% finished. I'm about to succeed. Mommy, don't disturb me. You interrupted my train of thought."
Shirley immediately held her breath, not daring to say anything more.
After all, the last time she tried to hack this system, it was 70% finished, and it exhausted her.
If Bennett could really succeed, she would have to call him 'master'!
After more than ten minutes, Shirley opened her eyes wide and looked at the progress bar from 90% to 95%, then to 99%. Finally, with a "ding" sound, the entire system was deciphered!
"Amazing, my baby! You're my idol!"
Shirley was too excited, and she hugged Bennett and kissed him a few times.