Dirge POV
The deafening applause and howling from the community threatened to blow out Dirge’s ears. A howling good time.
Sometimes, his life couldn’t get any better with his family, his pack, and his friends.
He took a million bows with everyone, joining hands with Kyon and raising them high. He’d have to wash his other hand because he also held Marcus’s hand. He might catch some of that smarmy slickness, and he’d rather catch a bad shifter flu.
But Marcus played decently. Not brilliantly, but not like a sick grasshopper. Dirge might be open to befriending the man if he weren’t trying to take Azandra away.
The continued applause from the audience drowned out Tulaska and Azandra reminding everyone to remember to stay together, especially in wolf form. Tulaska, with her drum, had joined Kyon and Dirge at the end to play the shifter anthem, which everyone sang. A joyful noise that the Moon Goddess was probably listening to in her moon home, and maybe tapping her toes and dancing.