Chapter 26 : Bad Women & Bad Ideas

Dee’s POV

“You don’t have to make a decision right now,” Wes had said, “but when you’re ready to give me your answer, text me.”

He said it all so casually, like marriage wasn’t a big deal. Like people did it every day.

“Let’s get married,” I said on my bed, Lancelot resting on my stomach as I fed him some mustard greens. “Do you believe this guy? Him—the asshole who stuck gum to the bottom of my pants on picture day—that guy. Do you believe it?”

Lancelot blinked slowly, which I think was the only valid response to this whole shebang. God if that wasn’t a mood…

My phone rang, a lot of 8-bit, so I knew it was Gemma before I even lifted the phone. “Yerler?”

“Yerhey!” Gemma chirped, an old joke falling between us that cut the blah feeling that had settled over me since last night in half. Wherever she was it was loud, the exact opposite of the family farm’s many wind chimes.