Wes’ POV
“Wes, stop!” I was already putting my seatbelt on, fastening it with a harsh click. Showing Eva I wasn’t changing my mind. Her nails dug into the side of the car, and for a moment I thought about putting the windows up just to cut her out. My fingers grasped the steering wheel until my knuckles ached. Eva was in the wrong, but she wasn’t my true enemy here. He was. “Wes, get out of this car right fucking now!”
“How could you?” I adjusted my rearview and caught the dead girl in the back seat. The way she had looked before she died, I’m sure. Bright-eyed, nose wider than some folks liked, full lips, hair darker than the ocean in the middle of the night, an inky spill down the front of her. Parted in two braids, woven with a bit of ribbon-like someone I knew.
Someone who was in grave danger right now.