Chapter 51 : Epilogue

Chase’s POV

Tonight’s the night.

I think I’ve waited quite patiently enough, don’t you agree?

“Hey, what’s with that smile, girl.” CC was with the others, coats on because of the softly drizzling rain outside. Which worked to my advantage for what I wanted to do tonight, but you’d figure that out later when we’re miles away from any interlopers. But for now, patience! So much patience!

The Uber had been called while you were in the bathroom. You looked…brighter somehow. Alive.

Freshening up for our date, maybe? How kind of you.

But my temporary joy was ruined when my moron of a roommate crossed in front of you, breaking my line of vision. How…irritating. No matter, I’d have you all to myself soon enough. For now, I was content to listen.

“You all right?”