I stood there, stunned, eyes boring into Dr. Ethan.
I…I can’t believe he just suggested coffee! And after I told him what Sophie did to me.
I could see it on Dr. Ethan’s face that he knew he’d put his foot in his mouth. That didn’t do much for my anger.
“I think I’m pretty much off coffee for a while.”
We fell into silence, trundling over the country roads in the Vet truck. My eyes drifted outside my window where mountains stood sentinel beyond fields of snowy white.
The landscape flowed by, though I saw none of it. Instead, my mind drifted into the distances of my own mind.
He looked so shocked. Did he not get the point of my Sophie Coffee incident story?
My eyes flicked back to Dr. Ethan’s face.
He looks so confused.
I jerked my gaze back to the window and quickly lost myself in my thoughts.
When he forgets to be stiff, we have such a good time…then he says something.