Chapter 34 : Dottie and Mila and Oliver


I sprayed the concrete floor of the kennel down with a spray hose, my nose wrinkling as the acidic smell hit my nostrils.

The yellow mop bucket sloshed as I grabbed the handle and dragged it closer to the open kennel. I dipped the mop head into the sudsy water, let it soak until the bubbles stopped, and then squeezed it out.

I swirled the mop head around on the floor, blinking drops of sweat out of my eyes. The kennel stood right next to a vent, which blew out hot air. I stepped out of the path of the vent and sighed in relief as I surveyed my handiwork.

Looks clean to me.

I thrust the mop back in the bucket and wheeled the whole affair to the custodian's closet. Once the door snicked shut, I went back to the exam rooms’ hallway.

I heard voices talking as I walked down the hallway. I would normally have just tuned them out, but I happened to hear someone mention my name.