Chapter 38 : Oliver's Plan


“Go get it, girl!”

I threw the rubber disc through the air. Dottie raced after the red blur as it streaked across the yard. She lifted her head and snapped her jaws shut on empty air. The disc flopped into the snow behind her.

Undeterred, Dottie rushed over and seized the disc with her jaws. She shook her head violently from side to side.

“Good girl. Now bring it back.”

I held my hand out. Dottie looked at me, tilting her head to the side.

“Bring it here, Dottie.”

She went back to jerking the disc around in the air like it was a prey animal she had just caught. Lucas laughed as he stepped out into the yard blanketed in snow.

“Looks like she doesn’t have the fetch trick down yet.”

“She’ll get there. Remember Dottie’s pretty young yet.”

“Well, if anyone can get her in shape it’s you, Mr. Dog Trainer extraordinaire.”