Chapter 3: Senior Disciple_1

Heavenly thunder prompted the flames of the earth.

The world seemed to freeze.

Han Lingxuan's beautiful eyes widened, her body rigid.

Her mind was a complete blank.

After a long while, the two separated.

Fang Yang raised his head, his lips and teeth suffused with lingering sweetness.

And his heart became all the more smug!

Just now, he had seen Han Lingxuan's face flushed crimson, and her body trembling.

She was clearly begging for affection.

The chief disciple was waiting for him, and he could not afford to delay.

So he made a decisive move to grant her a token of favor.

It seemed she was quite satisfied with it.


The seduction of a princess was indeed not something the average person could withstand.

He had almost lost control.

Fang Yang reached out, tenderly stroking Han Lingxuan's silky hair.

He leaned into her crystalline ear.

"You go back to the backyard first, I will come for you at night," he said.

Having said so, he strode away loftily.

Leaving Han Lingxuan standing there, stunned.

Her delicate body burning hot, cheeks flushed.

Almost as if blood might drip from them.

Self... was I kissed?

Was I forcefully kissed by this demon?

What on earth is going on?

Isn't this Demon Lord supposed to deeply loathe women?

Why would he do this?

She gritted her teeth, unable to fathom the answer.

Her heart was nothing but rage and sorrow!

A princess!

When had she ever been so humiliated?

And moreover... it was she who had presented herself to him.

Han Lingxuan's eyes swept around and noticed a few cult disciples glancing over from a distance.

She had an epiphany.

To consort with humans was absolutely taboo for the Demon Lord.

For so many years, he had been hiding this secret.

Just now, the Demon Lord must have seen the guards present.

That's why he forced himself to suppress his revulsion while maintaining his persona.


It was utterly embarrassing.

And why was her body burning so intensely?

That was the Demon Lord, no less!

Could it be... because she had been imprisoned for three years?

Her mind was a complete mess.

There was some dampness on her skirt.

Her face turned white, then red, back and forth!

Her delicate body shaking!

"Although I didn't kill the Demon Lord just now, I successfully disgusted him. I have planted a Heart Demon inside his heart, and sooner or later he will go mad with obsession," she thought.

The princess clenched her teeth; the feeling of having been taken advantage of somewhat dissipated.

She even felt somewhat vindicated.

"Tonight, the Demon Lord will return to find me. This is my best opportunity, then I will seduce him even more boldly. My great vengeance will surely be fulfilled!"

Another perfect plan took shape.

The princess was confident in her scheme.

Just as she was about to return to the demon palace's backyard.

The white snow lion cat that had been lying in her arms began wailing for spring again.

Its glassy eyes grew even more mournful.

Even a bit... jealous.

Facing her own cat's gaze, for some reason, the princess felt somewhat guilty.


[You licked your lips, only to be hit with a waft of fragrance, and an evil thought suddenly rose in your heart. Such a graceful figure, if you pulled out her hairpin, grasped her hair...]

The narrator's voice rang out once again.

But Fang Yang couldn't be bothered to pay attention, his eyes fixed on the spreading curtain of water in front of him.

Name: Fang Yang

Yin Yuan: 1

"What is this Yin Yuan? Could it be another Golden Finger?"

He frowned in thought for a long time but came up with nothing. Finally, he simply shook his head and continued walking toward the great hall.

Right now, he really couldn't spare the time to care about these things.

The chief disciple, the Staggering Swordsman, Ye Qinghong!

The man had traveled thousands of miles to return to the sect.

Surely not out of filial piety.

But to probe his real strength.

Earlier, he was able to fool the Princess of the Southern Territory, not just because of his exquisite acting skills.

The most important reason was that she was a mortal.

Never having cultivated.

She couldn't feel the changes in him.

But to his knowledge, this chief disciple of his was an extraordinary talent.

A natural-born Sword Body!

Cold by nature, he always kept to himself.

Unconcerned with worldly affairs, he dedicated himself only to the sword.

These years, except when acting on his commands.

Going down the mountain to kill, to annihilate sects.

The rest of the time, he would be in his own Sword Hall, engaging in rigorous cultivation.

At the age of almost twenty-four, he had already mastered the celestial-level Cultivation Technique, the Staggering Sword, to the point of transformation!

The continent of Qiankun was full of martial masters.

The martial world of Tang had rankings of Heaven, Earth, and Man.

Ye Qinghong was the youngest among the mighty ones on the Heaven List, and moreover, he was ranked ninth!

The intuition of the other party was honed to the extreme.

It was highly likely that they would sense his transformation directly.

"It seems I must pass through the Ghost Gate this time."

Fang Yang muttered to himself as he walked towards the great hall.


Inside the great hall.

Ye Qinghong was quietly waiting, clothed in a green robe, with green cloth shoes on her feet, and a green longsword slung on her back.

Her beautiful hair was simply pinned up with a single bamboo hairstick.

Of course, the hairstick was also green.

Such plain attire could not hide her breathtakingly beautiful face.

As if she were the snow of December in our world.

So beautiful it struck fear into the heart, so cold it chilled the soul.

At this moment, she sat as if nothing mattered on a chair to the left of the hall.

The chair was closest to the central throne.

It belonged to her alone, as the Demon Lord's head disciple.

She sat with her eyes closed, neither arrogant nor impatient.

Just waiting for her master's arrival.

Her heart still reciting the Shocking Sword Decree.

The green longsword behind her shook slightly.

Emitting threads of Sword Qi.

Like a breeze through a bamboo forest.

In her life, she only had eyes for the sword.

A true swordsman.

In her view, even when a sword remained sheathed and never drawn,

it still needed constant sharpening.

Only thus could you effortlessly sever heads when killing.

According to her usual cultivation of the Mirror Water Sword Heart,

she should be able to calm herself quite easily at this moment.

Yet today, for some reason, she felt restless.

Before her Sword Heart was honed, had she not opened her eyes several times?

"What exactly is wrong?"

She introspected over and over again.

In the end, she found that at some point, her robe sleeve had acquired a red petal.

It must be from a wildflower by the roadside, quite tiny.

Plus, she was so anxious after rushing a thousand miles overnight that she had failed to notice it.

She picked up the petal.

Walked leisurely to the door and tossed it into a cluster of red flowers.

Ash to ash, dust to dust.

After checking her green robe several more times to ensure there was no more dirt,

she finally breathed a sigh of relief and continued sharpening her Sword Heart


A series of footsteps echoed.

["A day as a teacher, for life as a father. Twisted filial piety is the best kind of filial piety. You discover that the leading disciple before you is a beauty beyond compare, ranking on the Rouge List. Moreover, the sword can hum low, which adds to the charm. You suddenly have wicked thoughts…"]

Accompanied by the voiceover, Fang Yang stepped into the great hall.

He caught sight of the cool and detached woman at first glance.

And then, their eyes met.

Clear, profound, sharp.

Just from the very first glance,

he felt as if a sword had torn through the heavens and earth,

fiercely slashing towards him.

The sword was of a green hue, like clear water, moving terribly slowly,

yet inescapably.

He nearly fell apart.

Until...a dark golden light flickered in his mind,

and he finally came fully to his senses.

His heart was chilled to the bone.

No wonder she was his personally trained head disciple.

Ranked ninth on the Heaven List!

Truly terrifying!

Lucky for him, the Demon Lord had originally reached the Four-Leaf Law Body realm,

refining even his divine consciousness.

Even if his power was completely scattered,

he still possessed a certain ability to protect himself.

But still, he was shocked.

He could feel that the other was not intentionally probing him.

Simply honing her Sword Heart.

When her eyes opened naturally, they carried a wisp of Sword Qi.

And even that was almost too much for him to bear.

If she had truly been probing, he would already be lying on the ground by now.

The more dangerous, the more mad!

The more mad, the more calm!

Fang Yang quickly subdued the shock within him.

Acting according to what was recorded in the diary about the Demon Lord's usual demeanor, he advanced towards her with a dark expression,

his body still exuding an overbearing aura that looked down upon the world.

As he approached her, he curled his lips.

Revealing a ferocious smile.

"My good disciple, you really are filial."

"I heard that when I was in a month of closed-door cultivation, you rushed back a thousand miles to the sect."

"Your Teacher is truly touched."

With that, he reached out to encircle her waist,

intending to maintain his persona.

But the next moment...

Hum hum hum!

A longsword like liquid darted out of its sheath.

The sword's light was piercing, nearly lighting up the entire hall,

and ferociously stabbed towards his brow!