Chapter 7: The Princess's Scheme (Please Follow and Recommend)_1

"Your Highness, you've returned?"

Ling'er opened the door.

Han Lingxuan had just walked in from outside.

Her cheeks were flushed.

Inside the wooden basin, there were two pieces of lingerie.

She held onto them tightly, but still, a section was exposed, caught by Ling'er's eyes.

"Your Highness, didn't you just wash these this morning? How did both pieces of clothing get dirty?"

Ling'er inquired with some confusion.

The princess clenched her fists, wishing she could bite that devil twice.

The reason she went to wash her lingerie at the hot spring behind the mountain during the day was all because of that devil's fault.

She had barely finished washing her lingerie when, on her way back, she remembered what the devil had done to her and couldn't help but feel so annoyed that her teeth itched.

And then...

The lingerie became dirty again.

She had no choice but to go back and wash another piece.

Plus, with her routine bath this evening, she might end up washing three times in one day.

All of this was thanks to that devil.

"Your Highness?"

"Your Highness?!"

"Are you alright?"

The young maid was quite concerned, thinking her mistress must be sick.

"I'm fine, my clothes just fell in during my bath, so I had to wash another two pieces."

"So that's what happened."

With a sudden realization, the young maid picked up the white snow lion cat.

"By the way, Xiao Xue has been meowing all day, as if someone bullied her, Your Highness, do you know what happened?"

At these words, Han Lingxuan glanced subconsciously at her own cat.

She noticed the cat's deep gaze on her lips, its glassy eyes conveying a grievance, which immediately made her feel guilty.

"I... I'm not very sure either, this cat is always so petty, who knows what offended it? Ling'er, help me pick out a dress."



Soon, inside the room.

The young maid stared at the semi-transparent silk lingerie that the princess had picked out.

Her eyes were wide as saucers.

Her overwhelmed face showed utter shock.

"Your... Your Highness, didn't you hate this piece of clothing the most? You said it was too revealing and that only vixens wear such things, and you wanted to burn it?"

For the past three years, the clothing and accessories of the Princess of Zhen Nan, as well as all her personal items, were made by tailors captured by the Heart Demon.

There was a variety of styles.

Since it had been sent over, the Princess of Zhen Nan had been quite averse to this piece.

Why would she voluntarily choose to wear it today?


The Princess of Zhen Nan found herself at a loss for words.

She certainly couldn't say it was precisely because she intended to wear such revealing clothing to seduce the devil, could she?

What's done is done.

She was tired of living the life of a caged canary.

She had to assassinate the devil at all costs.

Today, the devil, in order to maintain his reputation as a lecher in front of his disciples, forced himself to kiss her, probably already on the verge of going mad with disgust.

This evening, she would fan the flames further.

She planned to seduce the devil proactively.

The man was an impotent, who could neither take advantage of her nor avoid feeling frustrated and agitated.

It was said that practitioners often faced their own Heart Demons, which could provoke a backlash of their vital energies and result in severe injury if they acted up.

The devil's Heart Demon was his own impotence, so she decided to dress like a vixen and perform seductive actions similar to those of such a temptress.

She was sure to infuriate the devil.

At that point, when the devil lost control to his inner demon, she could take out her hairpin and stab him in the neck.

In an instant, the devil would die a miserable death.

Perfect! A flawless plan!

Impeccable in every way.

She'd capitalized on the devil's weakness and exploited human nature.

For a moment, the Princess of Zhen Nan felt she was a strategist rarely seen throughout history.

Moreover, one that was truly exceptional.

"Hmph, such clothing is indeed meant for vixens, it's disgusting to even look at. Ling'er, you must never wear this kind of thing in the future, it will lead you astray."

"Yes! Yes!"

The little maid nodded continuously.

Even though she was too shy to look at the tempting clothes, curiosity got the better of her.

"Ling'er definitely won't wear them, why would the queen do so?"

"Because I want to critique them!"

The queen lifted her almost perfect, egg-shaped face and spoke with righteousness.

"To critique these temptresses, one must delve into their midst. I want to see how they lure men every day while clad in these outfits."


The little maid's face was full of confusion. Although she thought her mistress's reasoning was sound, she felt something was not quite right.

The queen coughed twice, put on a straight face, and said expressionlessly.

"Ling'er, go out for a bit. I'll change my clothes."

"As you wish!"


As the door closed,

The little maid quickly left the room and began idly tossing pebbles in the courtyard.

Meanwhile, Han Lingxuan stealthily picked up the semi-transparent silk garment.

Her lips firmly pressed together.

After much hesitation, she still changed into the garment.

The candlelight flickered.

In the dim light, the queen of Zhen Nan stood in front of the bronze mirror, her posture delicate and gentle.

The semi-transparent silk garment accentuated her fully ripened figure, making it all the more alluring.

But at that moment, she was extremely irritated, incessantly tugging at her bellyband.

"What kind of lousy clothes are these? So small? They don't even cover the essential parts?"

She could not help but complain about the garment, fully aware that many clothes seemed small due to her vexing figure.

It wasn't entirely the clothes' fault.

After much struggle, she finally managed to adjust the garment properly.

Only then did the queen of Zhen Nan look into the mirror.

Her skin, as smooth as mutton-fat jade, appeared even more lustrous under the mirror.

With the semi-transparent garment,

It added a sense of seduction that even left her stunned as she gazed at her reflection.

Good... it seemed she looked even more wanton wearing this garment than the coquettes in the brothel...

No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

She was the queen of Zhen Nan, dignified and graceful.

She couldn't possibly be compared to those seductresses.

She shook her head, quickly discarding the absurd thought, yet she continued to gaze into the mirror, transfixed.

The more she looked, the more infatuated she became, the more her heart fluttered.

Her legs intertwined without her noticing.

Three years in confinement, which she could barely endure, but for some reason, wearing such clothes today, something inside her stirred,

It seemed like something wanted to break free, frightening yet somewhat anticipated.

What a wonderful night...

What a graceful body...

Why must she be alone?

Perhaps tonight, she should just give in...

No! Absolutely not!

She had a deep grudge against that demon, and as a proud queen, how could she submit to him?


It's so hard to bear!

She was conflicted for a long time, with an internal struggle raging within her.

It was only later that she came to her senses and remembered that the demon couldn't possibly be human.

Only then did the fire within her start to die down.

She took a deep breath.

"Damn you, you seductive garment, truly no small harm you have caused. Even someone as steadfast as me almost fell victim. Tonight is exceptional, but I must never wear such clothes again."

The queen of Zhen Nan gritted her teeth.


She dug out from a corner a popular album among the noble ladies of the Tang nation, said to be favored by seductresses for inspiration. Once mastered, it could bewitch a man's soul.

She had never looked at such things before.

But tonight, to drive the demon to madness, she had to sacrifice herself and learn a little po... knowledge!

With this in mind, she took a deep breath and opened the album with trembling hands.

The "Xiao Xue" white lion cat also came over to take a look.