Chapter 5: The Red Thread of Fate (Please Collect and Recommend)_1

According to the diary, the punishment style that best fits the Demon Lord's modus operandi is actually standing stick single combat.

But alas, his cultivation was inadequate, and he couldn't get past that mental barrier either.

He could only settle for the second best option.

"At the end of the day, it's because I'm too much of a gentleman."

He sighed with emotion in his heart.

Humm humm humm!

Waves of trembling sounds arose, and sword light filled the air!

Behind Ye Qinghong, all the swords were trembling, and the Lustrous Sword Heart was almost shattered.

A piercing chill emanated from his body.

Almost forming layers of frost on the ground.

Violated by his own mentor?

This Demon Lord actually laid hands on his disciple.

Disregarding morality and ethics.

Does he not feel any shame at all?

At that moment, Ye Qinghong's mind was almost blank, and when he came back to his senses, he started to draw his Shadow Sword.

To fight the Demon Lord to the death.

All of this, however, was witnessed by Fang Yang.

Indeed, the Demon Lord was only ever known for relying on brute force, completely clueless about PUA.

That's why these disciples detest him to the bone.

Even the slightest provocation elicited such a strong reaction.

Of course, it was also possible that the Demon Lord was too perverse by nature, taking pleasure in such acts.

Add to that his outstanding strength and confidence to crush everything, so he didn't care.

But the problem is, I care.

Now, I was dancing on the blade's edge.

To maintain my persona, I had to go against my own wishes, to hurt severely.

Yet I couldn't go too far, the slightest mishap could be life-threatening.

It's so difficult!

Fang Yang internally complained, yet his expression remained cold!

His eyes still conveyed the unique ruthlessness of the Demon Lord.

"What's wrong, unwilling? My great disciple, I know you're not afraid of death. But you wouldn't want your four junior sisters to suffer, would you?"

With just one sentence, Ye Qinghong's expression froze, and the continuously trembling Shadow Sword behind her calmed down as well.

The swordsmen!


Especially someone like her with a Lustrous Sword Heart, she was rarely disturbed by external factors.

But, her only weakness was her four junior sisters.

The five of them grew up together, bathed together, played together...

She couldn't possibly let her four junior sisters suffer torment, nor could she let them be defiled by this Demon Lord!

With that thought, she stood there coldly.

Utterly silent.

An aura of frost continuously enveloped her.

The great hall was frosty and bone-chilling.

"This time, it's just a minor punishment for you. If there's a next time, I will not be so lenient! Stand down!"

Fang Yang gave a cold snort and flicked his sleeve.

His back turned to the other.

Ye Qinghong took a deep look at her mentor.

Her form flashed.

She chose a path paved with blue bricks.

Gracefully departed!

The moment she had just left, Sword Qi surged wildly outside the great hall, and snowflakes began to drift aimlessly.



The moment Ye Qinghong had left,

Fang Yang couldn't help but let out a breath of foul air.

That was too close!

A narrow escape!

Luckily, the stack of diaries existed, giving me a thorough understanding of the Demon Lord.

Adding to that was my ability to stay calm in a crisis and my inherent wit, coupled with that divine slap.

It managed to gain that miscreant's tentative trust.

I'm certain that without that slap,

I would probably already be dead.

Though I'd managed to narrowly survive the crisis, I knew it was only temporary.

The five miscreants under me hated me to the core.

And their only faith lay in the belief that,

A Sect Hierarch in the coffin was the best Sect Hierarch.

This time, Ye Qinghong was frightened by my performance, firstly because of my acting skills.

Secondly, the significant trauma the Demon Lord left in these five disciples' hearts made them paranoid and wary of acting rashly.

But this was just a temporary bluff. Given Ye Qinghong's intelligence, she would probably realize something was off after returning and continue to test the waters.

Moreover, the next attempt to probe would definitely be more decisive, and she might even take direct action.

By then, his death would be certain.

Only with great strength could one face these challenges with increasing authenticity.

Just like today...

If he had truly fought like a demon, standing firm in single combat!

He would certainly have deterred this wayward disciple!

Moreover, there was another point. According to the Demon Lord's diary, three months later, the demonic path would open a grand feast. At that time, all the demonic sects would participate.

Competitions of martial prowess would determine the rankings of the demonic sects,

From disciples within the sect to protectors, elders, and even the Sect Hierarch, all would take action.

Minor cases would lead to severe injuries, but the major ones could result in death.

In the past years, the Demon Lord swept across the eight desolations, and it was very easy for the Blood Rain Sect to secure the top position.

But now, the Demon Lord was dead.

Once the grand feast began three months later, he would be in imminent danger of death.

Enhance strength!

He must enhance his strength at any cost. This was his only choice and the only way out.


A short time after a cup of tea.

Blood Rain Palace, Demon Lord's Pavilion!

Fang Yang sat cross-legged on the ground, in front of him was a row of jade slips.

"Heavenly Demon Technique", "Shocking Sword Technique", "Lustful Empress Decision"...

Countless precious collections that could cause uproar in the outside world, but here in the Demon Lord's presence, they were left to gather dust.

"'Heavenly Demon Technique', the one that the Blood Rain Demon Lord must have practiced."

Fang Yang murmured as he could only find sporadic records in the diary.

The Demon Lord rarely recorded his cultivation techniques in his diary!

As he said, he had an extraordinary talent and could master any difficult technique at a glance.

No matter how complex the martial skill, as long as he had a hand, it was enough.

This was also the real reason why he dominated the world alone in his thirties.

Next, Fang Yang tried to cultivate according to the records of the Cultivation Technique.

He found that his body could indeed cultivate rapidly. In about ten years, he would be able to restore the current state of the Demon Lord and rule the world.

Of course, before that, he would have been killed by countless enemies.

"What should I do?"

Fang Yang furrowed his brows deeply. If he weren't afraid of exposing himself, he would even consider trying the replenishing evil techniques in the pavilion.

All attempts were in vain.

At last, he could only set his sights on the unreliable Golden Finger that spouted all sorts of nonsense.

Hum hum hum!

The air vibrated slightly.

As ripples flowed, a curtain of water unfolded before his eyes.

[Name: Fang Yang]

[Romance +2 (Activatable)]

"Two points of romance. Previously, after kissing the wife of the Lord of Zhen Nan, I got one point; and now this extra point, could it be from Ye Qinghong?"

One is a married woman.

The other is a wayward disciple.

Could it be that his romance is destined to be so twisted?


This must be influenced by the Demon Lord; it has nothing to do with a righteous gentleman like himself.

Fang Yang shook his head and chose to activate it.


It was like the beginning of heaven and earth!

His head seemed to explode.

Humming noise.

It felt as though something was forcefully poured into him.

Stuffed to the brim.

It took a long while before he gradually calmed down.

His mind seemed to enter a space.

The space was small, and inside stood a figure dressed in a rolling black robe, with handsome and cold features!

He exuded an aura of looking down upon the world.

That face, just one glance made one feel utterly ashamed.

It was none other than himself!

To be precise, this could no longer be called a statue.

Because it was too lifelike!

From the strands of hair to the texture of the skin, it was exactly like a real person.

The only difference was that the Demon Lord's hand had two additional red lines, similar to the Matchmaker's red strings, radiating a faint glow.

The red strings extended forward, reaching into the darkness.

Deep in the darkness, two figures stood.

One plump and graceful.

The other cold as snow and devastatingly beautiful.

It was the wife of the Lord of Zhen Nan, Ye Qinghong.

But at this moment, they both stood humbly in place.

And the two red strings skilfully tied them up.