Chapter 29: Begging for the Demon Lord's Mercy (Please Follow)_1

The wind whispered gently.

The area beneath the Demon Lord was littered with corpses.

Blood smeared the bluestone slabs, and the stench of gore flooded the air.

Quiet, deathly still.

Everything seemed to have frozen in time.

The disciples of the demon sect stood rooted in place, staring at the figure with wildly dancing black hair suspended in midair.

The fear of being dominated by the Demon Lord surfaced once again, rendering them speechless as if afflicted by frigid cicadas.

And the remaining three protectors...

were trembling in fear.

So cunning, far too cunning!

Indeed, the Demon Lord was insidiously treacherous to the utmost degree.

The so-called weakness was all a ruse!

This was merely a probing move by the Demon Lord, or perhaps a game,

where he sat upon his throne with a cold gaze, watching them flounce about like clownish characters on a stage.

Once he had enough, or perhaps grew bored, he would simply annihilate them with a flick of his hand.