Chapter 34: Striking with a Vicious Claw_1


Inside the Parasol Tree Courtyard, the noble lady sat there in a daze.

Her expression was vacant.

She appeared somewhat flustered, bewildered, at a loss.

Ling'er watched this scene, sighed softly, and knew that her lady had been slightly moved.

After hesitating for a long time, she said with eyes full of pity.

"My lady, we actually have a good life here in the Parasol Tree Courtyard. Besides, being in the Prince of Nan's residence, we were ostracized, and my lady shed tears every day."

"These three years, although our lives have been a bit impoverished, having Ling'er by your side has truly brought me joy."

"After all, the Demon Lord has never tortured us. Why don't we stop opposing him and pretend that what happened in the past never occurred, alright?"

"Never occurred?"

The noble lady's eyes brightened, her pupils radiating splendid light.

But soon, that radiance dimmed.

Like shattered stars.

Replaced by endless bitterness, solitude.