Chapter 37: I Was Here First (Please Follow) _1

Under the veil of night, a cyan figure flickered.

Ye Qinghong gazed at the Demon Lord's pavilion for a moment before heading straight back to her Listening Sword Courtyard.

In another corner of the back mountain hot spring,

The mist curled, and the moonlight glistened.

A woman with an innate charm soaked in the spring water too.

Her skin was creamy, and her flesh was like smooth snow.

The warm spring water slid over her skin, making a rushing sound.

Huang Fuling's face blushed, her body completely submerged.

Her mind filled with the image of that solitary figure atop the Demon Lord's pavilion.

So domineering, so proud.

It had almost etched itself into the depths of her heart,

Causing ripples to stir in her eyes.

Unable to resist, she fished out the jade slip she had obtained from Chunqing Hall.

With a light press!

Her body immediately stiffened.

The allure in her eyes, like a pool of spring water, nearly overflowed.

"Demon Lord..."