Chapter 61: A Day as a Teacher, A Lifetime as a Father (Please Follow)_1

Demon Sect, Sword Inquiry Academy!

Ye Qinghong sat cross-legged on the ground.

Her expression was icy cold, her eyes like chilling ponds.

The sharp single ponytail hanging behind her, twitching slightly, added a bit of liveliness to her demeanor.

At this moment, she was refining her sword heart.

Her entire being had entered the state of the Lustrous Sword Heart.

The Azure Shadow Sword above her head floated and spun continuously.

But compared to before, it had become much lazier and lacked its former sharp aura.

It seemed to be shirking its work instead.

From time to time, it flew up, gazing in the direction of the Demon Lord's pavilion, as if anticipating something.

This subtle change naturally did not escape Ye Qinghong's notice, and with a flick of her finger,

the Azure Shadow Sword flew straight back to her hand.

Still listless.

Like a lonely and empty widow.