Chapter 64: A Night of Waiting (Please Follow)_1


The lanterns flickered as the queen finished making the bed.

She then sat in front of the dressing table to comb her hair and adorn herself.

Her beauty was already nation-toppling, and without a hint of makeup, she outshone all others.

Now with just a touch of grooming,

she was breathtakingly beautiful.

Meanwhile, the little maid was still outside guarding two small baskets of chestnuts.

Seeing this, the queen walked over.

The maid, thinking it was about time, rushed with the basket under the bed,

but was caught by the queen with a blushing face.

"Don't rush, what's in that basket of yours?"

"Sugar-fried chestnuts."

Only then did the maid seem to remember something and hurriedly pulled out the queen's basket.

"Your Highness, these are the chestnuts I bought today, so big, so fragrant. You should eat them while they're fresh today. Otherwise, they might go bad if the weather gets hot."

The maid carefully advised, placing the chestnuts on the table.