Chapter 72: Step Back, Let the Master Handle This! (Please Follow)_1

Escape... escaped? Just like that?

The Crying Old Man was dumbfounded; he didn't even have time to cry.

He couldn't understand what was happening at all.

This was an entity that had emerged from the deathly domain and could slaughter all around—why did it suddenly flee?

And in such a disheveled, decisive manner?

He was utterly bewildered.

At this moment, Fang Yang had also clearly seen the figure—it was the one he had previously crushed to death inside the Demon Lord's pavilion.

Only now it was much stronger than before, and the aura radiating from its body... even more enticing.

It was downright like Monk Tang's flesh.

It made one unable to resist the urge to devour him.

"You've come out, and you still want to run? Is that possible?"

Fang Yang let out a cold snort.

He flung his sleeve.

A giant hand formed from gusting winds reached directly towards the other party, enveloping him.

It instantly created an inescapable net.

Sealing off all escape routes for that figure.