Shelf Remarks_1

Ultimately, I still reached this point.

On May 4, I started this book and wrote the first chapter.

On May 5, I received my first-ever recommendation ticket in my life.

Then came the first monthly ticket, the first reward, and the support of many readers.

Maybe it's the title, the cover, the blurb, or maybe it's just my own limited abilities.

This book has been a tough journey all along.

When books from the same period had 100 favorites, I only had 30, they had 1000, I had 200.

From initial promotion to the first, second, and now the fourth round.

Each round was a struggle to advance.

Every time, the editor said it would be a close call.

I remember once I posted a single chapter asking for followers, and a reader called me pretentious, saying I deserved to flop.

Actually, it wasn't that I was being pretentious.