Chapter 89: The Perplexed Princess Consort (Please Follow)_1

Protector Wang's heart was seized by tumultuous waves.

She felt that their own saintess was somewhat underwhelming in her talents, and she looked toward Huang Fuling with a sense of lament.

She saw the other's face was filled with sorrow as she spoke with melancholy.

"That Demon Lord is brutal and lecherous, yet quite picky, with very few women able to catch his eye. Especially in recent years, he's been constantly seeking thrills. Luckily, I still have some looks, so I barely made it to his bed by garnering his pity."

"Perhaps, by pleasing him with these things, I can gain his trust and thereby obtain some information."

"Therefore, I entrust everything to Protector Wang."

The gentle words made Protector Wang pause for a moment, flooded with emotions as she looked deeply at Huang Fuling.

"The saintess... is truly going to great lengths."

"How loyal to Ying Yue Nunnery must one be to endure such torment without thought of the cost?"