Chapter 96: Master, Taste the Flavor of the Love Gu (Subscribe Please)_1

The drizzle was misty, and paper umbrellas swayed.

By this lake, which was as poetic as it was picturesque,

a woman whose beauty rivaled that of Xi Shi suddenly appeared.

Clad in a fox fur cloak, she held a paper umbrella.

She stood there leisurely waiting for them,

a scene that was in itself quite eerie.

The three of them halted in unison, their already fearful eyes filled with uncertainty as they stared at Hua Lianyue.

"Who are you?"

Chen Tailai, that old coot, asked in a deep voice,

sensing that something was amiss.

Furrowing his brow, he quickly hid behind his son, Chen Huan.

Chen Huan also felt that something was amiss, his brow furrowed as he likewise took shelter behind his son, Chen Heng.

Chen Heng...

With nowhere to hide, he could only curse inwardly.

"It's not important who I am. What matters is that today, the Canglan Sect must be destroyed. This is the consequence of provoking the Bloody Rain Sect."

"The Bloody Rain Sect?"