Chapter 100: Ye Qinghong's Self-Questioning, Is It Really Him? (4k Subscription Request)_2

Pondering for a while on how to comfort Fuling.

After all, in this matter, Fuling was absolutely innocent. Even if Fuling was marked by that demon, he would never despise her.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and managed to muster a faint smile, just about to head towards Huang Fuling's room.

But at this moment...

Accompanied by a flicker of shadow.

Suddenly, a new figure appeared in the courtyard.

A tall and majestic silhouette, handsome and cold, holding a lunch box in his hand. Compared to him, he was like dust, completely inconspicuous.

It was none other than the Blood Rain Demon Lord who had just enjoyed a massage from his wife.

At that moment, the Demon Lord, familiar with the path, quickly walked to Huang Fuling's door and pushed it open.

Upon entering, he glanced at the window and, although a screen blocked the view, a breeze could still enter from outside.

The despicable demon!

Is there even a halftime break in this?