Chapter 101: Master and Disciple's Hot Spring Training, The Temple Master's Nighttime Investigation!_2

But the problem was, that was about cultivating alone…

And now, she was with her mentor.

A lone man and woman, situated within a hot spring that was inherently somewhat ambiguous.


For someone who was always as cold as ice,

and indifferent towards all men, this was truly too embarrassing.

But... the meticulous care her mentor had shown her these past two days had caused ripples in her heart.

If she could be with her mentor...

It seemed...

that she would be very happy.

The moment this thought appeared, Ye Qinghong felt her ears burn.

She wanted to sever the thought with her Heart Sword, but no matter what, she couldn't do it, because she simply couldn't bring herself to.

As she hesitated,

Fang Yang sighed, thinking his disciple was still shy, and gently pulled her into his arms.

"Silly child, do not suppress your own thoughts, nor be too aggrieved. As long as you can master the Shocking Divine Sword, your master is willing to sacrifice everything."