Chapter 105: Desperate Gong Yajun (Please Subscribe)_1


"God tm Li Mochou!"

Looking at the naturally stunning, yet dignified and elegant Gong Yajun in front of him, Fang Yang's head was swarming with black lines.

He hadn't even reacted yet.

Gong Yajun's secret technique had already been activated; behind her, her law body emerged, with two purple moons rising and falling in her eyes.

Both of these moons were like swirling vortexes.

Almost capable of devouring any and all light.

Just as they appeared, they shrouded Gong Yajun's perfect body in a mist of purple gossamer.

Looking at the Demon Lord in front of her, who still had no expression but was showing at least a hint of astonishment.

The corners of Gong Yajun's mouth lifted slightly, her face revealing a smugness.

The secret technique was unleashed!

Then, everything should end.

So what of the Blood Rain Sect?

What of the Blood Rain Demon Lord?

In the end, aren't they all still destined to lose to this nun?