Chapter 109: Covered in Cuts and Bruises (Subscribe Please)_1

[Secret of the String-Puller Huang Fuling 1: Not Yet Deciphered]

[Secret of the String-Puller Huang Fuling 2: Not Yet Deciphered]

[Upon Deciphering, Acquired One Ink Jade Treasure Box]

"Huang Fuling? Secrets?"

Fang Yang furrowed his brows slightly, not expecting the Golden Finger to have such a function—it was quite a surprise.

But he didn't think too much about it and exited the space in his mind directly.

It seems...

This String-Puller is quite beneficial indeed, like Huang Fuling—after maxing out her favorability, she straightaway rewarded me with so many trump cards.

So, can I link up with more String-Pullers?

No sooner had the thought surfaced than he shook his head, dispelling it.

Not very likely!

The Empress, Ye Qinghong, Huang Fuling—they could become String-Pullers because each of them is unsurpassably beautiful.