Chapter 114: Good Disciple, Trust Your Master (Please Subscribe)_1

A sword slashed down!

Ye Liangchen's arm broke, blood gushing forth like a fountain, streaming rapidly.

He let out a painful howl, his eyes bulging roundly.

Full of disbelief.

Completely failing to understand what had just happened.

After all, his strategy had been correct, Ye Qinghong should have despised her teacher.

With just a little persuasion, the demon would have been doomed.

But why would Ye Qinghong make such a choice?

His face turned deathly pale, sweat poured profusely.

Staring fixedly at Ye Qinghong, his eyes filled with shock and unwillingness.

But in the end, what he received was a cold reprimand.

"Blood Rain Cult, do not trespass. I spare your life this time. Cross me again and I will kill you. Get lost!"


Ye Liangchen fell silent, glanced one last time in the direction of the Demon Lord's abode, and without any hesitation, he staggered away.

As soon as he turned around, his eyes filled with maniacal fervor.

"Damn demon, damn Ye Qinghong!"