Chapter 117: In the Future, I Will Become the Mistress (Please Subscribe)_1


Her voice was like the autumn rain, her presence like the frosty white.

The cold atmosphere spread through the air as they conversed.

Ye Qinghong, clad in blue, had her Green Shadow Sword across her knees, her eyes reflecting the enchanting figure before her.

Though she was obsessed with the sword,

She had little understanding of the mundane world.

But at the very least, she knew that a proper massage wouldn't require such attire.

Nor would it entail eyes filled with such melancholic yearning.

This so-called Protector Huang was clearly trying to seduce her master in front of her, the head disciple of the Blood Rain Sect.

Although Protector Huang likely didn't realize her master was incapable of normal human desires,

Even so, she did not want this ill reputed, malicious woman anywhere near her master.

She didn't understand where this emotion came from, but she disliked it nonetheless.

Swordsmen like her were always straightforward.

And so...