Chapter 121: Hua Lianyue: I Want to Marry My Master First (Please Subscribe)_1

The cold pond was enshrouded in mist, the vapor dense and thick.

Ye Qinghong submerged herself in the icy waters, allowing the cold to overwhelm her.

Yet, even so, her body remained unbearably hot.

Her usually cool eyes had, at some point, started rippling like spring water.

For a moment, she recalled the events that had just transpired.

She thought of her master's burning hands, examining her, as her jade-like legs twisted slightly together.

Her lips were tightly pursed.

A blush had unwittingly spread across her normally indifferent face.


She slowly submerged herself in the spring.

Gurgle, gurgle.

Bubbles emerged in sequence.

The master's hands, so large!

His examination, so thorough!

The curse was to blame for its cunning, eluding her master time and again.

However... It was also thanks to that curse.

Ye Qinghong was in utter disarray, her mind a complete blank.