Chapter 124: Master and Disciple Recite Scriptures Together (Please Subscribe) _2

She crawled humbly to the feet of the Demon Lord, kneeling before him, her cheeks brushing faintly against the Demon Lord's leg!


You truly deserve to die!!!

For some reason, Huang Fuling thought of killing her master, an endless sense of crisis surging within her.

This sense of crisis was far greater than when she faced Ye Qinghong or the princess.

The princess was merely a foolish woman and Ye Qinghong an arrogant young girl— neither could be considered a formidable enemy.

Only her own master, the current abbess of the Shadow Moon Nunnery, brought her immense pressure.

After all...

All of her Bewitching Techniques were taught by her master, who would be even more unfathomable than she.

Moreover, as the abbess, there were secret techniques passed down through generations, which could thoroughly enchant the Demon Lord with just a slight use.


She would expel her, leaving her unable to take the slightest advantage from the Demon Lord.