Chapter 130: Explosion! Is this a giveaway? (Please subscribe)_1

Silence, deathly stillness.

In an instant, the entire Purple Moon Tower was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

A group of people widened their eyes, their faces full of disbelief.

They stared blankly at the majestic and imposing Mo jade Feihan.

They felt an overwhelming pressure bearing down on them.

The Demon... Demon Lord?!

The Demon Lord actually came?

Those who were just now filled with righteous indignation, clamoring to kill the demon, were all

frozen like wooden chickens, their scalps tingling.

Wasn't it said that the demon fell into demonic madness and was severely injured, now only able to hide away in the Blood Rain Sect and struggle to survive?

How come he suddenly appeared now?

While everyone was on edge, the Feihan slowly opened, and a grand figure walked out from within.

Tall and straight, his black hair wild, he was wearing a Fire-repellent Python Robe made of black heavenly silkworm silk.

Enveloped in layers of mist, he was unfathomable.