Chapter 136: To Take Down the Demon Head? (Subscribe Please)_1

Night fell.

A bright moon spilled over the night sky like a stream.

It shone inside the Shade Moon Nunnery.

In a secluded courtyard behind the hill of the Shade Moon Nunnery, Fang Yang slowly opened his eyes, his pupils profound.

His black robe fluttered slightly.

This courtyard was personally arranged by the head of the Shade Moon Nunnery.

It was the only courtyard located behind the hill.

As Gong Yajun had said, staying here, he would be more at peace, free from others' disturbances.

But he had always suspected that the woman merely wanted to take advantage of her proximity; by placing him on the hill, she could more conveniently visit the Demon Lord's quarters at night.

The night enveloped the courtyard, and a breeze rustled the paulownia trees within.

He estimated it was about time, and thus he rose to his feet,

Tonight was destined to be a tough one for him. The saintess of the Sky Demon Sect once had a pure love affair with the Blood Rain Demon Lord.