Chapter 144: Savor the Taste of the Mortal Gu (Subscribe please)_1

The long wind whistled.

At Yingyue Hermitage, inside a rockery pavilion.

Everything was enveloped by the night, appearing so tranquil.

Hua Lianyue was lying in Fang Yang's embrace, her stunningly flawless face pale.

Yet the corner of her mouth held a faint smile.

At this moment...

She also noticed the rough rope that had appeared in Fang Yang's hand, her confusion turning to shock.

Following that...

Fang Yang waved his hand, and the rope flew towards Hua Lianyue to bind her, fast and unerringly accurate.

In no time at all, he had tied up his beautiful, willowy fourth Disciple, reminiscent of Lin Daiyu, in tight bonds.

The technique used for binding her was exceptionally meticulous.

Weaving around Hua Lianyue's graceful body, it outlined beautiful curves.

She seemed all the more pitiful.

Watching this, Hua Lianyue sneered inwardly.