Chapter 147: Ye Qinghong: Fourth Junior Sister, I Won't Lose_1

The lake water was still rippling, stirring up faint waves.

Seeing that her senior sister remained silent, Hua Lianyue let out a slight sigh of relief, thinking that her sister had been persuaded by her words.

However, in the next moment, under the chilly moonlight.

Ye Qinghong lifted her head, her gaze sharp and cold. Her lips tightly pursed, a lock of her green hair gently swaying behind her.

She was holding her sword, staring intently at Hua Lianyue, she said coldly.

"A swordsman never believes in fate, only in the sword in their hand."

"If the ending in the storybook isn't to my liking, I'll chop down the damn author and make him rewrite it, until, the ending changes."

After speaking...


A clear and bright sound of a sword's call rose, the moonlight spreading out.

Hua Lianyue felt a strand of Sword Qi drift past her, cold and indifferent.