Chapter 159: Demon Lord, My Husband (Please Subscribe)_1

Peach blossoms rolled in waves, pink mist suffused the air.

On the square of Shadow Moon Nunnery,

Fang Yang and the Sect Master's wife had already vanished without a trace, both enveloped within the fog.

The Hehuan Sect Sect Master was excited and surging with emotion, his eyes shimmering with stirring light.

That's right, it should be exactly like this.

The Powerful Artifact, which he had searched for with great difficulty, was immensely powerful, and now, the Demon Lord was bound to die.


Ye Qinghong drew her sword and rose, her black hair wildly flying behind her, her gaze becoming much more piercing.

Hua Lianyue bit her lips, watching this scene with an uncertain and struggling gaze, somewhat hesitant and indecisive.

To tell the truth, she hated the Demon Lord the most and wished he would die right now, but she clearly knew that with her master's strength, these rolling pink fogs simply couldn't take her master's life.