Chapter 156: Snapping anything will harm you sooner or later (Please Subscribe)_1

All was silent as a tomb, not a bird stirred.

As the enormous black jade chariot slowly descended,

everyone quieted down.

No longer buzzing with discussion as before, their eyes revealed dense wariness and dread.

This was the majesty of the Demon Lord.

It was the Demon Lord's deterrent force... having dominated Tang Country for more than a decade.

Even though he now seemed much weaker, not as powerful as before, it was enough to make everyone lose courage just hearing the title "Demon Lord".

The chariot landed, casting a huge shadow that nearly covered the surroundings.

Following the chariot were hundreds of disciples from the Blood Rain Sect, each with an expressionless face and exuding a terrifying aura, like thick storm clouds.

And Ye Qinghong, Hua Lianyue, the two female disciples, stood on either side of the chariot, tasked with guarding their master.