Chapter 172: Ye Qinghong, the Demon Lord is Your Husband!_3


It made a fierce expression, raised its head high and chest out as it walked towards the Illusion Moon Array, apparently wanting to tear its rival to pieces by hand.


Snow was also falling inside the Illusion Moon Array.

Flurries of snow enveloped the entire mountain range.

All that met the eye were the vast snowflakes and countless snowy trees.

This was a snowstorm, a blizzard.

Ordinary humans simply couldn't survive here, proving just how angry the Illusion Moon Tower was.

In this snowstorm, Ye Qinghong, dressed in a green robe, made sure not a single snowflake landed on her, for this was the only way to keep herself in a good mood and not as irritable as before.


Her hair flew in the wind.

The Green Shadow Sword tore through the sky and the vast curtain of snow.

It pierced straight through the forehead of a cultivator in an instant.