Chapter 174: Junior Sister, Would You Like to Be My Bridesmaid?_1

A moment later, amidst the wind and snow.

Ye Qinghong had already left, her hands now holding a storage pouch that had been completely emptied of its contents.

Gold, magic artifacts, medicinal pills…

Anything that could be exchanged for money as a betrothal gift, she did not let slip by.

Afterward, she squeezed her Qingying Sword, and those cold eyes, for once, showed a hint of warmth and joy.

She flew straight towards the distance, having already set her sights on her next target.

By the time she had left, Hua Lianyue soon arrived, frowning gently at the sight of the storage pouch missing from the demon disciple. A trace of doubt flickered through her peach blossom eyes.

As far as she knew, the eldest senior sister never coveted wealth, nor often relied on medicinal pills for advancement, but cultivated purely with her sword, the epitome of a genuine swordsman.

Why would she do something like looting bodies, which was out of character for her no matter how one looked at it?