Chapter 178: Kitty Swallows the Divine Pill, Ye Qinghong Knocks Out the Master_2

Clearly, for her to shatter this snow curtain was as difficult as ascending to the heavens, simply impossible.


Swish! Swish! Swish!

More shadows danced in flurries, silhouettes weaving continuously through the wind and snow.

This place was the obligatory path to the Illusion Moon Tower.

Naturally, cultivators would pass by here.

Not much time had passed before numerous disciples of the demonic path had gathered.

Among them were the Sect Masters of the Hehuan Sect and the Ghost Lantern Sect, as well as the Leader of the Corpse Control Sect...

The moment they arrived here...

All cast their eyes towards the snow curtain, seeing waves of pink mist emanating from the vortex, the special Yin-Yang Great Joy Skill mastered by the wife of the Hehuan Sect Master.

Inside, the voice of the Sect Master's wife could even be heard, faintly carrying pain, exhaustion, and pleasure...