Duplicate chapter, don't order!!!!_1

The snow was still falling.

Inside the cave, Fang Yang had long since lost his sanity.

His eyes were bloodshot, the pupils filled with streaks of crimson.

He held Ye Qinghong tightly in his embrace.

As for Ye Qinghong, her eyes were hollow, those once chilly depths now void of any light.

She was like a piece of exquisite porcelain, strikingly beautiful.

And Fang Yang was about to shatter that porcelain.

The snow was getting heavier, and in that cramped cave, the teacher and disciple were huddled together, as Fang Yang was on the verge of merging Ye Qinghong into his own body.

At that moment...

A frail figure emerged from the midst of the wind and snow.

Her face pale, her almond-shaped face carried hints of sorrow, and those peach-blossom eyes that appeared to contain thousands of blooming flowers gazed melancholically at the scene inside the cave.

With two coughs, the fresh blood at the corner of her mouth was so startling.

"Just as I thought..."